The Most Profound Form of Recognition

Management Associates Appreciation, Involvement, recognition

We have previously suggested that recognition is, at the most fundamental level, an acknowledgement of the worth of a human being. But how can we tell if someone really values us? What demonstrates their regard? What are its tangible, outward manifestations? When asked this question in workshops, participants often say things like “they seek me out,” “they spend time with me,” …

Habits That Inhibit Effective Recognition

Management Associates Employee Attitudes, recognition

Some leaders rarely, if ever, recognize the efforts of their employees. Others sincerely believe they give sufficient recognition, but in fact do not. Of the two scenarios, the latter is the more challenging by far. When our hearts are in right place, it is difficult for us to realize that our desired outcomes are not actually being achieved. (This is …

Mental Models That Inhibit the Recognition of Employees

Management Associates Below the Line, Choice, recognition

Recognition of and appreciation for the efforts of employees is central to a culture of engagement, ownership and commitment. The success of such initiatives, however, depends on more than questions of how, when, and in what venue. Leaders’ efforts at offering recognition are shaped — and potentially limited — by a host of below-the-line mental models, attitudes and values. And …

Appreciating What Employees Do and “Can” Do

Management Associates Appreciation, Employee Attitudes, Motivation, recognition

Recognizing employees’ efforts is critical to building workplace morale  and motivation. But it can also play an important role in building new skills and capacities. We once surveyed a software development firm in Nebraska. Meeting with a cross section of staff members, we asked a range of open-ended questions, one of which was, “How do you know if you are …

Perception and Challenge of Communicating Appreciation

Management Associates Appreciation, communication, Perceptions, recognition

Sufficiently recognizing and appreciating the efforts of employees poses challenges at all levels of the organizational chart. Everyone from vice presidents to fry cooks say that they hear about every small mistake they make, but only rarely are told when they have done a good job. This is due, in large part, to distortions of perception. We human beings are …

Recognition, Thanks, and Motivation

Management Associates Appreciation, Motivation, recognition

The link between recognition and motivation in the workplace are clear. We need only look to our own experience — the pride we felt when our work was praised by an appreciative supervisor, the improvement in our outlook when we were sincerely thanked for the grunt work we do month in and month out — to understand how the one …