Knowledge Versus Leadership “Style”

Management Associates Human Side of Leadership, Knowledge, Reflective Leadership

We previously explored the idea that leadership is a knowledge-based profession. We suggested that, to excel, leaders must develop expertise not only in technical areas, but also in the human knowledge base, that body of learning about how human beings act, react and interact. When presenting these ideas in our consulting work, the question of leadership “style” often arises. How …

Leadership and the Human Knowledge Base

Management Associates Human Side of Leadership, Knowledge

In today’s “information economy” people are often promoted to positions of leadership because of their technical knowledge or performance. Once there, however, these newly-minted leaders are required to exercise human competence as well as technical ability. No longer is someone simply a machinist; she is a machinist supervising other machinists. Where previously she had only to master technical duties like …

Taking Stock: Three Critical Elements

Management Associates Choice, Knowledge, Perceptions, Reflective Leadership

Crucial to growth as a leader is a comprehensive process of personal stock-taking, an ongoing discipline of objectively looking at our actions and beliefs and considering the effect they have on the individuals and systems around us. Though such reflection encompasses many constituent elements, three seem to be of particular importance: knowledge, choice, and perception. For any given question, we …