Discipline and the Reflective Life

Management Associates Qualities of reflective leadership, Reflective Leadership, Values

Consider the word “discipline” for a moment.  In one sense it refers to a subject or a course of study. Within the context of the discipline of reflective leadership, the material to be mastered includes the principles of the human knowledge base and our ability to reflect on how our choices and behaviors, as perceived by those with whom we …

Forging Unity – The Key Participants

Management Associates Authority, Collective excellence, Collective reflection, Competition, Culture, Human Side of Leadership, Motivation, Uncategorized, Unity, Values

The responsibility for addressing the imperative challenge of creating unity rests upon two different but overlapping groups.   First, it is essential that managers and supervisors, those people invested with formal organizational authority, commit themselves to forging the required unity, both between themselves and between the people that report to them.   The unity of management is a prerequisite to …