What Motivates People? (1 of 3)

Management Associates Employee Attitudes, Motivation

Motivation is a central workplace concern. Countless leaders ponder what stimulates it, how can it be sustained, how is it destroyed. Luckily such questions caught the attention of Frederick Herzberg, an American psychologist who became one of the foremost authorities on business management. Herzberg explored the issue of motivation through hundreds of in-depth, open-ended interviews. In them, he asked employees …

Motivation, Culture and “Bad Attitude” Employees

Management Associates Culture, Employee Attitudes, Human Side of Leadership, Motivation

Almost nothing is more frequently lamented in management circles than “bad attitude” employees, those people it seems nothing can be done with. It’s true that few workplace dynamics are harder to address than antagonism, apathy and hostility. But rarely mentioned is the role that sincere and well-meaning leaders can play in creating such “bad attitude” employees. A friend of ours …