Building Blocks of Reflective Leadership – Humility

Management Associates Qualities of reflective leadership, Values

Few spheres of human activity are more driven by “results” than the world of business. Visible success is the coin of the realm, and confidence, bravado, even self-aggrandizement are pervasive. Humility, then, stands as a somewhat counter-intuitive characteristic of truly outstanding leaders. Humility is certainly one of the more nuanced facets of leadership. In part, this has to do with …

Building Blocks of Reflective Leadership – Detachment

Management Associates Reflective Leadership, Values

All of us are attached to particular views of the world and given ways of approaching it. We know that a project is pointless and we have no time for those who think otherwise. We know that a favored employee is a gem, regardless of performance reviews suggesting the contrary. We have our positions and, regardless of circumstances, we are …